Winter Retreat 2024: Final Details

All set for the 2024 Winter Retreat? It’s so close! Here’s everything you need to know to have a great weekend:

Forms There are 3 required forms: 1 for Camp Canaan and 2 for DCPC (which you may have already filled out this year, contact Matt if you’re not sure)

  1. Camp Grier waiver
  2. DCPC forms:
    1. Contact & Medical Information form
    2. 2022-2023 Waiver & Covenant

Departure Please arrive at the back of the Congregation House at 6:30 pm. We’ll pack cars, double check forms, and be on the road by 7:00 pm. Please eat dinner before arriving!

Return Sunday at noon

Transportation Camp Grier is 2 hours away and we will be traveling there in the church bus and leaders’ personal vehicles

General Packing List

  1. Clothes and jackets that can get dirty and are appropriate for the weather (we will be spending as much time as possible as the rain will allow so layers and extra clothes are highly recommended!)
  2. Rain gear (e.g. jacket, poncho)
  3. Warm hat and gloves
  4. Shoes and/or hiking boots (closed-toe shoes required for the horseback riding and mountain biking)
  5. Pillow and sleeping bag or blankets & sheets
  6. Bible, notebook, pen
  7. Reusable water bottle
  8. Toiletries
  9. Towel and washcloth
  10. Personal medication
  11. Flashlight
  12. Nut free snack to share
  13. Fun stuff to do during free time (optional, e.g. frisbee for the disc golf course, board games, crafts, etc.)
  14. Technology so you don’t need to carry a smart phone everywhere: camera, watch, alarm clock, iPod (optional)
  15. Optional items for electives and adventures:
    1. Music: An instrument
    2. Visual art: We will have art supplies, but if you have a favorite art set, feel free to bring that.
    3. Mountain bike
    4. Helmet and/or other protective gear

Do Not Pack List

  1. Anything illegal: drugs, alcohol, weapons, fireworks, medication you do not have a prescription for
  2. Relics of long-lost civilizations (terrestrial or extra-terrestrial)
  3. Gaming systems, tablets, laptops, etc. (see below)

Minimum Technology Weekend One of the reasons that we call this is a retreat is that we are pulling back from our everyday lives to experience something new and different. Since technology has become such a big part of our everyday lives, this weekend will be an opportunity to experience life with less of it and see how community and connectedness can form without screens. Also, when we limit the number of voices we’re listening to in a day, maybe it will be a little easier to hear what God is saying to us. Ideally, everyone would leave their smart devices at home, but we understand that might be difficult in some circumstances. Instead, we are going to post schedules that make it clear when students can be on devices (limited opportunities during free time) and when they can’t (during big and small group times, meals, and after lights out). Adult leaders will be modeling this and helping students follow guidelines. Parents: please talk this through with your family and let Matt know if you have any questions or concerns. Smart watches, e-readers, and digital cameras are all welcome.

We’re Teaching This Our theme for the weekend is the series Everything Everywhere and here’s what it’s all about:

We all know that today’s middle and high schoolers face an alarming number of potential stressors every day. From home life to school in the digital age, life can feel like a lot sometimes. One of the most important things we can do is to affirm their stress, even if we don’t understand it. All of their stress is legitimate, even if the situations do not feel equal. One of the best ways to help every student apply the principles of Scripture we’ll look at in this series to their everyday lives is to validate the feelings of stress they’re facing. Remember, we’re helping students build a foundation for the rest of their lives right now. What become tools for tackling “simple” stressors today, might be the most useful ways they handle the complexities of tomorrow.

Parents: get more details and ideas to try at home in the Parent Cue! There’s a middle school version and a high school version.

We’re Doing This

Depart DCPC/Arrive at Camp Grier
Group meeting (welcome, expectations, schedule, etc.)
Group game
Lights Out

Wake up & breakfast
Big group & small groups 1 or Confirmation 1
Big group & small groups 2 or Confirmation 2
Adventures (horseback riding or mountain biking) and free time
Group games
Lights Out

Wake up, breakfast, & packing
Small groups
Depart Camp Grier/Arrive at DCPC

Cancellations We have paid for all youth who are going at this point and cannot provide any refunds at this point.